Szymon Horosiewicz
Lublin City Office
11 April 2023
In March, the third edition of a series of workshops aimed at representatives of the local government sector took place. The event focused on the subject of external factors and their impact on the quality of life of city dwellers. The workshop opened with a lecture by Natalia Olszewska, M.D., who familiarised the participants with the impact of noise and other external factors on quality of life. Next, the CoMobility team presented the results of air quality measurements in Warsaw, based on experience gained during the project, as an introduction to the issue of environmental modelling. The workshop part of the event was closed by representatives of the ‘Na miejscu’ Foundation, who presented practical low-budget simple-to-implement interventions to improve the quality of the local environment.
We invite you to read the summary of our Workshop:
CoMobility NOTATKA MW#3And to watch all Workshop presentations on our channel ➔ YouTube.
We also encourage you to follow our website and newsletter to keep updated with all the CoMobility project’s activities and invite you to participate in the next editions of the Municipality Workshop.